Two young people working in a garden

Christine Quist

Chair, Instructor

Christine is a dog-mom, wife, daughter, sister, auntie, and friend. She is a Skilled Trades BC-certified Production Horticulturalist. She holds a diploma in Horticulture with a specialization in sustainable crop production from Kwantlen Polytechnic University. This is where she developed an interest in leveraging technology for sustainable and alternative greenhouse production. In the greenhouse, Christine specializes in Integrated Pest Management (IPM), food production, and native and ornamental plant propagation and production. Christine and her husband have owned and operated a landscape company since 2018, specializing in naturalistic landscape restoration.

Christine holds a Provincial Instructor’s Diploma and has been teaching in the Horticulture Department at VIU since 2018. Currently, she is the chair of the Horticulture Department and is pursuing a Master of Education in Educational Leadership. In recognition of her collaborative and experiential work, Christine is a proud recipient of the 2023 VIU Early Career Excellence in Teaching Design and Practice. One of Christine’s favourite parts of teaching is watching students grow alongside the plants they cultivate.

When she’s not teaching, Christine enjoys exploring the stunning naturescapes of Vancouver Island, spending her free time trail running with her dog, gardening, and rock climbing.

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