A VIU Motorcycle and Marine Technician stduent works on a motorbike

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the costs for books and supplies?

The approximate cost for both is $485.

Does this program qualify for financial assistance?

Yes. You can apply for the government student loan and grant program. You may also qualify for institutional scholarships and bursaries. You can also contact Human Resources Development Canada and the Employment Centre office regarding sponsorship.

Does this program lead to an apprenticeship?

Yes, both Inboard/Outboard Mechanic and Motorcycle Mechanic (Motorcycle and Power Equipment Technician) are 4-year apprenticeship programs leading to BC Journeyperson status.

How much time will I spend working and learning on engine products?

You will spend 70% of your time on practical, shop-oriented projects, working on customers' engines, and 30% is spent on theory — in the form of lectures, videos, and demonstrations.

What is the maximum class size?

16 students.

What is a typical weekly schedule?

Compulsory attendance is required - Monday to Thursday, from 8 am to 2:45 pm.

Can I access this program on a part-time basis?


How much homework is required?

You will spend a minimum of one hour per day, reviewing and reading handouts and the textbook.

Is there a practicum (on the job training)?

Yes, students will be required to arrange a two-week practicum, ideally with a potential employer.

What are the job prospects?

Good. The job market in BC and Canada has good potential. Successful graduates must set up a strategic approach to obtaining a job, and may have to move to the job location.

Are jobs year-round or seasonal?

Junior technicians may face layoffs in the off-season. Many shops work year-round, and senior technicians are fully employed.

What is the format of the assessment test?

Reading comprehension, some math, and mechanical reasoning.

What can I do to increase my chances of getting into this program?

Preference will be given to candidates who are job-oriented - who would like to work in the industry.