Two female and one male Office administration students work together around a computer

Technology Requirements

The following is a list of suggested system and equipment requirements while taking the OADM program. 

  • If you have a computer at home you will also need high speed internet access
  • You will have access to a free download of Office 365 for your computer at home
  • It is not mandatory to have a computer at home as you will have access to computers and high speed internet access in our labs

Please contact the program chair at if you are concerned about accessing a computer. There are supports and assistance available.

Please be aware that classes start using textbooks and materials immediately, which includes accessing software. Students will need to have all their courses’ required texts on the first day of class. We will cover any questions you have about textbooks at the program orientation.

Please note some texts come bundled with required access codes/publisher software. These have been noted on your text list. You may not want to purchase these texts as used books, as you will then need to contact the appropriate publisher to purchase access codes. Some codes may only be available with the purchase of a text.

Please contact the program chair at for any questions or to request the textbook list